
Product Prop: Popcorn Indiana Kettlecorn

My love affair with kettlecorn began years ago when I got my first taste of the ones from Trader Joe's. Since then, my affection for these sweet and salty treats has only escalated. Imagine my excitement when I found FLAVORED kettlecorn!

Popcorn Indiana makes a variety of popcorn, but I'm most partial to their kettlecorn that comes in 3 flavors- original, cinnamon sugar, and cocoa (because everything is better with chocolate).

Popcorn is a whole grain that makes a terrific mid-afternoon snack as long as they're not the buttery, caramel-y kind with partially hydrogenated oils. These kettlecorn fit my nutrition bill- roughly 130 calories* per 1.5 cup and contains no saturated or trans fats. As far as kettlecorn are concerned, these are rather low on sugar as well at about 6 grams per serving. Bring these along to the beach, keep some at the office, or pack your own 100-calorie pack for lunch!

Another aspect of these popcorn that deserve my props is that many of the ingredients are obtained from fair trade. It's a joint program with Whole Foods Market called Whole Trade and ensures workers from developing countries are getting fair trading conditions and harvest sustainably. This is an important movement to support as many farmers and their land are being exploited by more economically advantageous nations.

Each bag of kettlecorn usually sells for $3.99 at your nearest Whole Foods. But hurry and you can get 2 bags for $6 while they're on sale! When you do get your hands on some irresistible kettlecorn from Popcorn Indiana, try not to more than a serving in one sitting as I'm doing right now while writing this post.

* Nutrition content differs slightly between the 3 flavors. 


delwin said...

so addicting!

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