
The Story of Bottled Water

Ever wondered about where that plastic water bottle is going after you discard it? Or how much energy it takes to produce these disposable containers? Watch the amazing Anne Leonard explain our nation's obsession with bottled water and  how silly they really are.

Not only are bottled water an unnecessary modern convenience, millions of bottles from sports drinks, "enhanced" waters, and iced teas also contribute to this problem everyday. As Annie said during an interview, "Let's have a little more appreciation and reverence for the stuff we have instead of this mindless consumerism."

To learn more about The Story of Bottled Water and other Stuff, visit thestoryofstuff.com.


delwin said...

I definitely like the cartoon style explanation

Elizabeth @HEALingFoodie said...

More videos to come from Anne on COSMETICS and ELECTRONICS!

Terry said...

I have heard bottled water called "dead water" by "water experts" in interviews...claiming that tap water has advantageous minerals that bottled water does not. That plus the cost has me drinking tap water. I find that if I let my tap run a couple minutes (likely my pipes) the water tastes better. Then I fill my empty plastic bottles and refrigerate them. When cold, it tastes alright to me. Frankly with the consciousness of recycling, it is hard to believe that 80% goes into landfills but I do pick up a lot of empty bottles from idiots who just drop them...

Elizabeth @HEALingFoodie said...

@Terry: Recycling plastic bottles is pretty much just a facade of our society. A lot of times people don't want to hang on to their bottles until they can find a recycle bin, or worse, there aren't any recycle bins available. It's baffling to think that many of us are willing to pay for something that's essentially free.

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