
A Sans Candies Trick or Treat

Many moons ago, I went trick-or-treating my friend from grade school. We were both getting some serious candy loot when we stumbled upon "Peanuts Lady". Instead of giving us handfuls of miniature teeth-rotting substances, she gave us, yup, you guessed it, peanuts! Handful of peanuts that were still in shells! I'm pretty sure I looked at my friend with a WTF expression on my face (only if that was a contraction in use those days).

Halloween 2010 is around the corner, and Peanuts Lady paid a visit down my memory lane. At the age of 8, I thought she was insane for passing out peanuts on Halloween. But now a decade and some years later, I think she was really on to something. Kids aren't getting healthier. Most of them are having treats way too often. Each day can potentially become a sugar binge. There are so many kinds of good foods out there so why has candy become the default treat?

Last year, I gave out festive pencils and erasers, and I'm seriously contemplating about passing out baby gala apples as treats this year. Perhaps I should take note from Peanuts Lady?

Image credit: bbc.co.uk


Terry said...

How about little bundles of shelled peanuts? So they don't make a mess...

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