
FoV of the Month: Apricot

Apricots were first grown in China over 4,000 years ago. Nowadays, California is responsible for about 90% of all the apricots grown in the U.S.

These golden gems are classified with the plum family and can be found in almost all regions of the world. Apricots can be dried and eaten as snacks or made into an Egyptian drink called "amar al-din", added to savory or sweet dishes, or consumed fresh.

Like other fruits, apricots pack a nutrition punch. 4 medium-sized fruits eaten with skin offer 3 grams of fiber, almost 10% of the recommended daily value of potassium, and about 17% of vitamin A recommended for a day. 

Not only are these fruits great for snacking, they also make a wonderful dessert after spending some time on the grill. The heat helps to release their sweetness which makes them a healthful sweet treat compared to s'mores or ice cream on a summer day. Pictured on the right is Apricot Gingersnap Parfait. Assembled with almond "ice cream", this refreshing treat can be made vegan easily by drizzling with agave nectar instead of honey on top.

1 apricot, halved and grilled
2 gingersnap cookies, crushed
1 scoop almond frozen treat (used: Almond Dream)
Honey, or agave nectar, for drizzling
Makes 1 serving

Photo of apricots from Shutterstock on faq.org


delwin said...

yummy =D

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